Friday, January 2, 2009

Ringing in the New

We were glad to find out that Lily and Noah behaved themselves fairly well for the McKenzies. Of course there were some times when Lily and Brenna needed a referee, but you'll have that no matter what. Brenna is at the stage where she has a hair trigger emotionally and just about any perceived slight will create a paroxysm. A good clue is often hearing Lily run behind her yelling, "Sorry, sorry, sorry!"

Noah seems to be turning a bad corner with eating. He used to just pack it away but he is now becoming a bit more fussy. He isn't as regular as he once was either and that may be a factor. He's also been pretty snotty for a few days and may just not be feeling well. Still, it feels strange when Noah doesn't keep shoving food down. We remember when Lily went from eating everything to becoming a bit more discerning about what she ate. She is getting out of that now and will eat a lot more things. Let's hope it doesn't take Noah 3+ years to get through this. Right now he won't hardly even touch chicken nuggets.