Friday, January 16, 2009

Going Bombaloo

The garage door was open when I came home from work yesterday. Amanda often uses the wagon to take Noah to the bus, so this was not particularly unusual, plus Lily sometimes rides her bike right after work. I decided to come in through the garage so I would remember to close the door (I sometimes forget and leave it open all night). As I approached the door to the house I could hear crying.

Lately it has not been unusual for Noah to have mini-fits over this or that, so I thought it was him. I was surprised to find dinner just about ready and Lily crying. She wasn't happy with the pasta and meat sauce that Amanda prepared. As I walked in Amanda was sending Lily to her room, so I chimed in with the same even before I took off my jacket. Of course, this made Lily go bombaloo.

Once dinner was ready I told her to come back down if she was ready to settle down and eat. She said she was, but then started whining and crying again. We have a zero-tolerance policy for this now, so it was time to take her back upstairs. I was just going to give her a time-out, but as I put her over my shoulder to carry her she bit my arm. That of course earned her a spanking and even more time-out. However, I did invite her back down to dinner after her time-out.

She came down, put a single piece of spinach in her mouth, choked on it, and spit it out. That ended the meal and her evening. She spent the rest of the evening in her bedroom while Noah and I played in the basement and Amanda went out for a haircut (which looks great, BTW). At bedtime Lily was all sweetness too.

We haven't had an incident like this in a long time. Hopefully we won't have another one for a while. However, we're not going to have her live off of chicken nuggets and fish sticks either. She can eat pasta with meat sauce with the rest of us. And tonight she can eat the tilapia that Amanda makes in the Crock Pot.


Confessions of a Housewife said...

it's always something isn't it,lol

Im sorry she bit you. We are having the lay the law down issues with Ava right now.

She sasses alot, ryan says he doesnt remember being this sassy at her age, I dont remember much from that age but I think its normal but we are trying to squash it