Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ms. Saturday Night

Our church has major overcrowding problems on Sunday mornings, so they have encouraged as many people to come on Saturday night as possible. There is a service at 4:30, which works OK for us. It does make for a little rush after we get home, but it works as long as we don't have to cook anything. It is nice to have a more leisurely Sunday morning too.

However, Lily doesn't see it that way. She has grown quite fond of her Sunday morning teacher and she likes her group too. She really lost it when it was time to drop her off. Normally she practically sprints into the room on Sunday morning, but last night she had a tough time. We made a deal with her that we would come get her if she wasn't feeling better after they finished singing. By the time we got her she was back to her happy skipping self.

We think we have Lily on board now. Unlike many of her fits, this one was pretty legitimate, but I think she is now convinced. It helps too that she has some friends in the class that she knows. What she doesn't know is that in September our church is going to be multi-site and we will be going to a new place somewhere much closer to home. One thing at a time, I say...


Confessions of a Housewife said...

I wondered why I didn't see ya guy this morning. we are waiting to see where the new location is before we make a decision about moving locations

have a great day

Jason said...

Our feeling is that it will almost certainly be closer than the current main campus and it will definitely be less crowded. I think Lily will be the only one who misses riding the shuttle.