Thursday, January 17, 2008

Video Fever

We are having the closest thing to a winter storm that Raleigh experiences. There was a chance for a little bit of snow last night as well as some potential freezing rain. Therefore, Wake County schools made the decision last night to delay for 2 hours. Amanda and I never thought to check this out because while the weather is nasty (35 and rainy) it is not the kind of weather we think of when we think of delaying or canceling school. I took Lily to preschool today only to discover that it was closed because of the 2 hour delay.

This created a problem for Amanda because she is fighting the onset of a cold and was looking forward to a break from Lily. She was not too pleased to hear Lily come in the door while she was up in bed reading. What do we do when we want a break from Lily? We put in a video. Actually, we don't do it every time we want a break because then she would often do nothing but watch videos. However, given how I am supposed to be working from home it seemed like the thing to do.

I put Noah down for a nap around 10:00 and Lily started Cinderella. I did some work, but then decided that I had put off showering long enough. As I came back down from the bedroom around 11:00 I noticed something odd with the video. It seems that Lily had managed to turn the Chinese subtitles on. I felt compelled to turn those off.

All's well that ends well (at least in the middle) though. One of Lily's friends from preschool is coming by to pick her up (her mom is anyway) to take her over to her house for a playdate. This is a relief like manna from heaven for Amanda.

Noah is developing a fondness for peas. It's like the old bumper sticker says -- "Visualize Whirled Peas".