Friday, January 11, 2008

Ending the Week

It's almost over. I feel like Amanda has earned these 2 credit hours as much as I have. Today became even more dramatic as Amanda hosted Brenna. They got together with Tiffany and Brenna for a late breakfast at our local Panera Bread. Tiffany and Bill wanted to shop for a little computer desk, so Amanda volunteered to watch Brenna while they did that. You can imagine my surprise when I came home from Fuquay (doing some bank business there) to find Brenna in the house.

If there is one word that characterizes life with Lily it is drama. Add a 2 1/2 year-old who is hitting the stride of the "terrible twos" and I think it multiplies rather than adds. Still, Brenna was pretty good. It usually seems to be Lily.

What's wonderful is that Amanda got a reprieve. Our neighbor Lynn (mother of Sarah and Katie) called to see if Lily wanted to come and play. Considering that Lily became hysterical at the idea of a nap, this was a gift from above. Amanda is looking forward to a little quiet time when Noah takes his nap.

Tomorrow will have its share of craziness too. Jack and Melanie arrive for a one night stay while they drive down to Florida. I have my class from 8-noon and then convocation at 6:00 PM. Everyone will be at our house for family time. Amanda has to babysit for a friend at 7:30 PM. We're hosting guests after church on Sunday.

I have to find some way to reward Amanda after this week. Please feel free to email me with any ideas you might have!