Monday, June 8, 2009

The Little Sneak

I had two surprises from Noah yesterday. The first happened while Amanda was at tea. I had gone down to the basement to order some special birthday food for Amanda and left the kids unattended upstairs. That's not a big deal as we do that all the time. The house is pretty safe for Noah.

As I came upstairs and went into the kitchen I was surprised by what I saw. Noah had climbed up onto one of the kitchen chairs and got into the box of doughnuts from breakfast. He was standing there stuffing his face with a chocolate iced with sprinkles. There were sprinkles everywhere. I also found that he took a couple of bites out of a creme-filled. He must have decided it wasn't worth his time because he never made it to the creme. I yelled Noah Chamberlain!, got him down, and cleaned him off. He didn't get a treat after dinner.

The other surprise was after his bath. He doesn't like being wrapped up in the towels after his bath anymore. I conceded by drying him off and letting him walk back to his bedroom. The only problem is that he stopped part way to pee on his carpet. Fortunately, it was only a little bit.

We didn't have such problems with Lily. There was nothing subtle about her mischief. Noah is going to be a little tougher. Fortunately, he is more complaint when you give him instruction. Nevertheless, we hear the footsteps coming for the terrible twos.