Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunshiney Day

We had a beautiful day here today. It actually felt a lot like the SF Bay Area in that it was perfect in the sun and cool in the shade. We had Brenna for a good bit of the day while Bill and Tiffany continued their hunt for a house. She was good for us. However, Amanda has been doing a lot of babysitting lately. In fact, she has gone so far as to say that she feels like this is an area of ministry for her now. She has been great about being able to help some people who have really needed it.

We're glad to watch Brenna as she really is very good. Of course, she doesn't always bring out the best in Lily. Lily had some sharing issues today. We're working on it.

Noah has been a bit fussy lately. We're thinking it is another tooth. Maybe we should investigate more, but I think that just about every malady from 6-18 months has to do with teeth. What's incredible about Noah is his instant charm with strangers. It's great to carry him around in the Baby Bjorn because we get a lot of smiles our way. I should rent him out to my single friends at seminary.