Monday, March 10, 2008

Another Rough One

I enjoyed driving home with the car windows down today as I enjoyed a very mild late-winter day here in North Carolina (not trying to rub it in to you back in the midwest). As I pulled into our street this evening I saw Lily out playing with her friends. That's always a great sight to see. As I walked in the door I smelled the wonderful aroma of carmelizing onions mixed with sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, and chicken. What a wonderful smell! My senses were alive with the joys of early spring.

Unfortunately, hearing didn't go so well. As I walked in the door I also got to hear Noah screaming his head off. Amanda was trying to juggle feeding him with getting dinner ready. We seem to have created a little monster who expects to eat as soon as he wakes from a nap. I think we may have to work on that one a little bit.

Lily and her friends had made a few messes and we had to address those. I called up to her friends' house and spoke to their dad. I explained that Lily had to come down, but that she needed help cleaning up a mess. They did a pretty good job with the mess on the deck, but neglected the mess I pointed out on the front porch. Lily was very upset when she had to clean it up by herself later. I explained that she needed to get her friends to help her when they were cleaning up the deck too.

Amanda desperately needed a break so I took the kids to Goodberry's for a concrete. Lily and I split a concrete with peppermint custard mixed with marshmallow creme and chocolate chip. Lily decided that she likes Goodberry's, but her mouth was "really really cold" at the end of eating it. I have a feeling that we'll go back this summer sometime...


MomGoinBonkers said...

yum goodberrys ! I loved the tent out front today =)

hope you all enjoyed the cake !