Friday, November 21, 2008

Getting Out

Amanda and I had a nice long date last night. We left the house around 4:00 and enjoyed looking through the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit. The way they do it is pretty clever with a wand that plays prerecorded bits at the various stages of the exhibit. You type in the number, hit play, and listen as you look at the exhibit. It took us a little over an hour to see the exhibit and then we hit the streets of Raleigh to get some dinner. We ended up at a cajun restaurant which was tasty.

We made it back to the museum in plenty of time for a lecture about the scrolls. We got to see Emmanuel Tov give a lecture about text-criticism, which is his specialty. It was interesting, but we didn't stay for all of the Q & A since we wanted to get dessert. We ended up stopping at the Cheesecake Factory and brought it home. No time for Bed, Bath, & Beyond.

Amanda commented later that she missed the daily interaction with Lily about her day. Still, it was good to get out for a long date. I don't think she missed spending the evening with Noah as the days can get pretty long. He is generally really good, but it is good to get a break.