Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lazy Daze

Lily and I made it out to Lazy Daze today. Unfortunately, today is hot in a way that only the South can get hot. When I went out jogging at 6:30 today it was already 77 with a 90% relative humidity. It is currently 88 in the shade at 3:51 PM and in the sun it is around 100.

We really don't get a whole lot out of these art festivals. We don't need anything carved out of wood. As much as I'd like one we don't need a clock with the OSU logo on the front. We don't need any doll clothes that fit American Girl. So why go to this swelter-fest?

We wanted to see the Band of Brothers play. For those who don't know, the Band of Brothers is a 70's and 80's classic rock cover band based out of our church. They have gone to Kyrgyzstan twice and Venezuela once. On these "tours" they do shows and tell people about a free Christian rock concert at the end of the week. Their shows raise money for local churches and other charities. Frankly, they just plain rock. They do stuff ranging from .38 Special's "Hold on Loosely" to "Jumpin' Jack Flash" by the Stones. I think my favorite is when they do "Summer of '69", which is how they closed out the show. They seemed to have a lot of people singing along when they did "Takin' Care of Business".

At any rate, it was worth sweating for. My feet hurt from breaking in new sandals and I desperately need a shower before Amanda and I go out to dinner tonight. Amanda and Noah stayed home because of the heat.

We did have one casualty though. In the course of throwing Lily up in the air somehow I inadvertently snagged the corner of a fingernail. It bent back and cracked in the nail bed. She's not happy about it and is of course being very dramatic. I can't imagine how she will be when she gets a more serious injury someday.