Friday, August 24, 2007

A Better Evening

Little Noah had a better evening than usual last night. I think that we've been in a mindset of trying to stuff him full of milk since he started off so slowly. Now he's gaining weight steadily and seems to be healthy except for his reflux (GER). Amanda cut him off from eating a little sooner last night and that seemed to help.

Amanda did some research on ways to treat GER. Unfortunately, there is no medicine they can give him. There used to be one, but it has been discontinued because of some bad side-effects. Some say that mom's diet can affect GER in breast-fed babies, so Amanda is cutting out garlic and chocolate. This is a fairly large sacrifice for her. We use garlic in much of our cooking and Amanda typically has some chocolate at least once a day. She is doing this for a week to see how he reacts.

I'm trying to be as supportive as I can. I'm going to make her some plain peanut butter ice cream so she can have that for dessert. Hopefully she won't mind too much if I make another batch of Oreo mint :)