Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Feeling Thrifty

Amanda is looking for teacups for Lily's upcoming ballerina tea party. She figured that she could get some cheap at the various thrift stores in the area. She went to one today and came up dry. However, she did find two dresses and a jumper for Lily. They were only $2.50 each and Lily was very excited to get them.

When Lily and I were saying prayers tonight I asked her what she was thankful for. We talked about the dresses. I explained to her that some little girls don't have any dresses. She thought about it for a minute and asked, "They only have shorts?" In other words, to Lily there are only dresses and shorts/T-shirt combinations. I explained to her that some girls don't have any clothes (I was thinking some of Africa, for example) and she said, "Then you can see their panties?"

It's just not conceivable to Lily that anyone could be completely impoverished. I guess it's tough for me to conceive either. I've never really wanted for anything in my life. Lily hasn't either. I'm glad that we're providing for her, but I do think that we might want to do a family mission trip at some point so that we can get a dose of what reality is to some people.