Monday, March 15, 2010

High Octane

Lily and I took Grandma Judy out yesterday after lunch.  We hit a Southern Season and then the mall.  Lily and I got some cookies and she played on the Thomas table at Barnes & Noble.  There was a boy there who wasn't sharing very well, but I took Lily aside and made sure that she played nicely with the other kids.  One of the moms who wasn't there when I talked to her came by me and told me what a sweet girl we have.  That was nice.  I made sure she found out too.  It's nice when we can make mention of the good behavior since it's easy to get stuck on the tantrums.

It was a beautiful day yesterday.  She went out and played with her friends for a little bit.  When she got back she was just nuts.  It's pretty common for her to yell and run back and forth from the half bathroom to the living room, but she was especially crazy yesterday.  I asked her what was going on and she said, "Sarah gave me some juice to drink.  It was purple and it had energy in it."  In other words, her friend Sarah gave her energy drink in the middle of the afternoon.

I don't know if that contributed to the nightmare she had shortly after going to bed, but it could not have helped.  Lily on energy drink is not a good combination.  It reminds me of why I don't drink coffee anymore.