Friday, May 9, 2008

Tough Morning

It's starting to look like Lily is just going to need a night light in her room. No matter what we do she insists that she is scared of the "sparkles" she sees. You know a room looks when it is dark and you see the tiny black spots? She is afraid of them, or at least that is how she expresses it. Amanda was at a baby shower, so I tried to go to bed a bit early. I started to fall asleep and Lily cried. I had her comforted, I was almost asleep again, and then she started crying again. Then Amanda came home and I woke up again. I was almost asleep when Amanda had to cough, which woke me up again. So basically I got about four short naps in between 10:00 and 11:00 last night.

We have some storms coming through this morning and we had a couple of pretty good thunder boomers. Lily came in to our room at 4:25 asking if she could sleep with us. She is currently sleeping with Amanda. We also had a brief power outage this morning, which made everything reset.

Consequently, as I was in the bathroom this morning I thought I heard voices. I wondered if Amanda and Lily were talking about something, but the voices didn't seem right. Then I heard steel drums. It turns out that "The Little Mermaid" had automatically started in the DVD player and the sound was coming out. I turned that off and came back downstairs.

Let's hope the rest of the day goes better. It's going to be another full one.