Sunday, May 11, 2008

Day 2

We had a nice Mother's Day morning with some creme brulee french toast and bacon. I took Lily and Brenna to the beach, but one wave was a little high and it got Brenna's rolled-up jeans wet. After breakfast I took Lily and she is now officially into splashing in the surf and collecting shells. We have set a three-shell bagging limit for what we take home.

The afternoon has been very mellow inside the house. There has been much napping and reading. However, outside is a different story. If I were a surfer I'd be out there right now. We have some sustained winds at probably around 25 MPH, which is making the waves kind of interesting. There is a tornado watch for our area as well. It may not be a good thing to be in a house that has tons of windows in it, but I think we'll be OK. These houses are built for wind, though of course a tornado doesn't care about such things.

I hope that the weather improves as we go through the week. I don't think it's ever going to be really warm, but hopefully it will be less cold.