Tuesday, July 31, 2007

More Beach News

Apparently Lily had one of her famous tantrums yesterday. Amanda saw her grabbing herself as she tends to do when she has to go potty, so Amanda told her to go. Lily tried to find a compromise by saying that she would only go if Amanda came with her. Naturally, Amanda refused. This led to a screaming fit.

Amanda was then at a loss for what to do. When we're home we put her in her room or in the basement. Sometimes Amanda will put her out on the deck, which is what she initially did. Then she realized that there were many neighbors on vacation nearby, so that wasn't a good option. She couldn't put her in our room because Noah was trying to nap. She couldn't use any other bathroom because there was stuff she could get into. She ended up putting her in the half bathroom near the living area.

This caused much consternation for some because hearing a Lily tantrum really is not a pleasant experience. We just keep praying that eventually Lily will understand who is in charge. She just will not be told what to do.