Monday, July 16, 2007

Degrees of Tiredness

Lily was a little rough around the edges yesterday. She didn't get to bed on Saturday until around 9 PM, but she was still up faithfully at "seven zero zero". She had some dark circles under her eyes.

For some reason she wasn't that interested in her breakfast. Then she put up a fight about eating quiche for lunch, which defies reason since she likes eggs, cheese, and pie crust. She was just being difficult. I took Noah out shopping after we ate lunch while Amanda and Lily napped. Lily said that she didn't sleep, but just "rested her eyes". Wonder where she heard that one before? Of course, she did sleep a little bit.

The funniest came later in the day. I suggested that perhaps she might need a nap since she didn't take one before. She declared, "I'm not sleepy, just resty."

I always like it when someone creates a new adverb!

For Noah news, it turns out that he was a little fussy last night. However, once he did fall asleep he was down from about 10 PM to about 2 AM. That was a great stretch for Amanda!