Thursday, June 28, 2007

Continuing the Transition

Noah continues to thrive. He sleeps very well and is eating generous portions when he does eat. We feel like he has more or less "caught up" since he is now steadily gaining weight. He is now starting to learn that Amanda's breast is not a pacifier.

I got his room painted today. It's the same color as Lily's room. I'm not sure how I feel about this other than I'm glad that we have a baseball border to go around it. I'm not wild about hanging that, but it's something that needs to get done sooner or later. I may as well do it tomorrow before mom and Ernie get here. I think they'd appreciate having the room in order before they arrive.

Lily is doing OK, but things could be better. We're noticing strange coincidences in how she seems to have little physical mishaps any time Amanda feeds Noah. These of course are accompanied by tears and she wants comfort for them. I also think that she hasn't quite got her mind around the fact that I'm going back to work next week. I guess she'll figure it out soon enough!