Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Making Statements

Noah is getting better and better at talking, though his diction is still such that it usually takes Amanda or me to understand him. One of my favorites is when I ask him if he wants to be carried somewhere and he says, "I will walk." There is a certainty about his tone that is very cute.

It is also clear that he wants to express more than he is able to say. He will say "because...because...because..." while he is groping for words to express something. This is usually after being asked "why?" but not always.

He has also started to get into the "how come?" or "why?" loop himself. He'll start asking, "how come?" about something and just keep asking that no matter how we answer. I'll play along for a while, but eventually you just have to stop.

While these things are cute, he is also definitely a two year-old now. He is starting to form more definite opinions about how he wants to spend his time (watching videos, for example) and what he does and does not want to eat. The good news is that we can usually find a way to get him to try various foods and once he tries them he likes a lot of them. He is definitely off proteins now, but I'm sure he'll be more interested when he's ready to have another growth spurt. Small children and babies definitely give credence to the verse in Psalm 139 that states that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made."