Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lunch Date

I met Lily for lunch on Friday. I had a chili dog and some slaw, while Lily had a plain hot dog with ketchup, a few baked fries, and a few bits of applesauce. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but Lily's friend Evelyn ended up eating with us too. There is a special table in the corner where kids can eat with their parents.

I found the cafeteria to be a bit overwhelming. The kids behaved just fine, but it was extremely loud. It was not quite as loud as a club, but you did have to raise your voice to be heard. I don't think I could handle that on a daily basis.

It was fun to see Lily in line. I got there as her class was marching to the cafeteria. Even when her teacher told her that she could walk with me she did not break rank. Nor did she talk. She collected the little compliment card that teachers give each other's classes when they behave because she was near the back of the line.

The class stops at the bathroom on the way back from lunch and that is when I took my leave of Lily. It was fun to see her in her element at school. It was also good to hear that Mrs. Turner thinks that Lily is a delight. She generally is, after all.