Friday, December 19, 2008

Last Day

Today is Lily's last day of school before the two-week break. It seems strange to talk to someone who is not particularly excited about a vacation like that. I think she actually prefers going to school over vacation. I know that Amanda prefers it.

The good news is that Grandpa Jack and Nana are coming for a visit next week. We'll have the break for Christmas and the following week will have the break for New Year's. I suspect there will be other moms in similar predicaments who want play dates to break up the time. Hopefully I'll get off work a little early on the Wednesdays as well as on the 26th. And maybe we'll even be lucky enough to catch a break on the 2nd. I mean, who wants to start something new on a day like that?

I'm just excited for the possibility of good blogging material. It seems like days with Lily often result in a story worth telling.


Confessions of a Housewife said...

sigh, I know im not looking forward to it,lol. I love my kids but I need that time during the day.

Maybe the kids can get together after family leaves =) they can ride bikes!