Monday, February 20, 2012

Emotional Day

Yesterday was a big day for our church as it ordained two of us. Basically, what that means is that this congregation has affirmed that we are to be elders. We're also now licensed by the state to officiate weddings. Here is a link to some photos.

What you see in those photos is Jerry and me kneeling and having folks come up and say encouraging things and pray for us. Then the big group is the commissioning as we try to follow the model of the book of Acts in the laying on of hands to commission men to ministry.We don't think that any magic happens there, but there is some symbolism as we do this.

It was a really sweet time. When Amanda came up I really started to lose it. I don't think that the photos capture the puddle of snot and tears that formed as person after person came up. I was a wreck afterwards, but I wouldn't change it for anything. Amanda and I were exhausted by the time we got home.

The weather was cold and rainy, so we enjoyed a nice fire for the afternoon and evening. It was a really great day, but I am very glad for a holiday today to recover. For those of you who work in jobs not related to the Federal Reserve, today is President's Day.