Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Puttin' on the Ritz

Noah is into wearing accessories now. He loves to play with my hats. He also loves to play with shoes. The thing is that he will often only put on one shoe. That means that I sometimes need to search the basement before running so I can find the other shoe. It's not a big deal compared to some other things he could do.

One day he insisted that Amanda zip Lily's boots over his shoes. He loves to stomp around in shoes now. This is good because he is going to be wearing sandals for most of the summer and they have hard soles on them. I guess his little moccasins are going to be retired soon.

Amanda took him for a walk in the stroller yesterday. They walked on a long winding path that goes down and back up a hill. As Amanda got near the top of the hill she was going to go around the playground, but Noah pointed in its direction. He knew where it was and he had an opinion about visiting it. They ended up spending a few minutes there. Amanda says that he loves the slide and the swings. Now that my paper is done I hope for some good weather one weekend so I can take him there.