Sunday, September 28, 2008

Volatile Combo

We had Brenna for a sleepover Friday night. It gave Bill and Tiffany a chance to get out for an evening. Plus, we've certainly taken advantage of their hospitality with Lily several times.

Overall, it went pretty well. Amanda spent the evening at a friend's house, so it was pretty much the girls and me for the night. I didn't expect them to go right to sleep, but they ended up staying up much later than I had hoped. I don't think they were both asleep until 10:00. And, true to form, Lily was up at 7-zero-zero even though they were sleeping in Noah's very dark room.

There were two particularly notable incidents. The first came when Lily decided that she had to get up to go potty. Brenna declared "I have to go potty too," which was obviously just her joining Lily. She ended up not going potty, of course.

The other was when Lily took Brenna's blanket. I took her into our room to get the story. She was worried that she would get spanked, but I just talked to her. Turns out that she was trying to help Brenna go without a blanket. In other words, she took it to help Brenna mature a bit faster. I don't think Lily would have responded much better had the roles been reversed 2 years ago, given how Lily was with her blanket.

Lily was pretty grouchy Saturday morning, but we got through it. She figures that today will be a better day because we're going to church. Little does she know that I am taking her on a car ride up to Wake Forest so I can turn in some library books...