Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Lily has developed a pattern of shouting out around 9:00 PM every night with what seems to be a nightmare. The weird thing is that she isn't really awake when we go in there to comfort her. She will do strange things like get out of bed and put her stuffed dogs someplace random. She will almost never speak when you try to ask her what is wrong. She usually pops back up when you try to lay her back down too.

Amanda attributes this to Lily seeing too many scary images in Star Wars and some of the games we've played. I think she may have a point there. I think chess is ultimately a better idea, especially since she is starting to like it. I got her an inexpensive set for her birthday with pink and blue pieces. That should be right up her alley!

Amanda has also noted that I do things like this too, though I don't shout. I have been known to sit up in bed and carry on a nonsensical "conversation." My roommate in college said I did the same thing. It's fun to see some of your traits expressed in your children, but maybe not this one.


MomGoinBonkers said...

just becareful she doesnt sleep walk, I was a sleep walker and I have funny stories to share from childhood