Sunday, January 10, 2010

Winter Jam

Amanda and I took Lily to Winter Jam last night, courtesy of Uncle Bill and Aunt Tiff watching Noah for us.  We had an easy drive down to Fayetteville and enjoyed "lupper" at Cracker Barrel.  It was different having just Lily with us.  She is very good at a restaurant.  It's easy to lose sight of that sometimes when dealing with a squirmy 2 year-old.

The concert was excellent.  Unfortunately, Lily started to peter out about halfway through.  The Newsboys had a couple of dancers and Lily wasn't even interested in watching them.  You know that something is wrong when Lily doesn't want to watch girls dance (incidentally, they did a good job of making the dancing tasteful).  She was impressed by the stagecraft put on by the Newsboys, as were Amanda and I.  At least one reader of this blog is likely to see the show, so I won't ruin the surprise other than to say that you should get your expectations high.

The highlight of the show was Third Day, but unfortunately Lily decided that she had enough by then.  She claimed that she didn't fall asleep during the show, but Amanda's lap and my shoulder know better.  Trying to get her coat on after the show was a challenge.  She stayed awake until we got out of the parking lot, but fell asleep fairly quickly once we got on the highway.  We all ended up going to bed after midnight.  I'm tired now, but it was well worth it.